Editor: N.Rafetseder

 Text :

vixit an(nis) LXXII m(ensibus) III
qui omnibus munici-
palibus h[onori]bus functus
Q(uintus) Ru[—]tri piissimo
(AE 1966, 168)

Translation: “ [—]Potianus, who held all municipal offices, lived 72 years and 3 months. Q. Ru[—] (dedicated this) to the most pious (father?) ”. (N.Rafetseder)

Find Spot: Agrigento, Christian catacombs, collina dei Templi

Support: marble slab, funerary inscription (h. 30,8 x l. 42)

No./Current location: Agrigento, Museo Archeologico Regionale

Dating: 1-200 AD (Griffo)

Bibliography: AE 1966, 168; AE 2010, 611; EDR074609; TM175807; HD015341; EDCS-1070175 (photo); ISic0813 (photo); P.GRIFFO, Contributi epigrafici agrigentini, Kokalos 9, 1963, 163-184, 178-179 (photo and facsimile); J.DE WAELE, Acragas Graeca: Die historische Topographie des griechischen Akragas auf Sizilien. 1. Historischer Teil, ‘s-Gravenhage 1971, 38; G.MANGANARO, La Sicilia da Sesto Pompeo a Diocleziano, ANRW II, 11.1, Berlin-New York 1988, 3-89, 44; H.SOLIN, Analecta Epigraphica, Arctos 44, 2010, 231-261, 255.