Editor: L.Cappelletti


[ —— ]TI

[ —— ]S[ —– ]

Imp(eratoris) M(arci) Aureli Antoṇị-

ni Pii Aug(usti) 〚fratri〛 L(uci) Septi-

5 mi Severi Pii Perti-

nacis Aug(usti) Arab[ici]

Adiabenici Parth[i]-

ci Maximi 〚filio〛

ordo decurionu[m]

10 curante [—]PVP[—]



Translation: “ To [—]TI [—]S[—], brother of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Pius Augustus, son of Lucius Septimius Severus Pius Pertinax Augustus Arabicus Adiabenicus Parthicus Maximus, (set up by) the ordo of the decurions, under the supervision of [—]PV P[—]IMO”. (L.Cappelletti)

Find Spot: Victoria, Gaulos (Gozo); first recorded near the Church of St. George, then seen at the staircase of the Castle.


No./Current location:

Dating: 198-211 AD (EDR113358 et alii)

Bibliography: CIL X 7503 (cfr. p. 994); EDCS-22100622; EDR113358; TM285177; O.BRES, Malta antica illustrata, Roma 1816, 332; A.A.CARUANA, Report on the Phoenician and Roman Antiquities, Malta 1882, 142; J.BUSUTTIL, The Geta Inscription, Journal of the Faculty of Arts 6.3, 1976, 273-277; A.BONANNO, Malta in the Third century, in: A.King – M.Henig (eds.), The Roman West in the Third Century. Contributions from Archaeology and History, BAR International Series 109, Oxford 1981, 505-513, 506; A.MASTINO, Le titolature di Caracalla e Geta attraverso le iscrizioni, Bologna 1981, 92, 164, 166, 175; A.BONANNO, The Archaeology of Gozo: from Prehistoric to Arab times, in: C.Cini (ed.), Gozo. The Roots of an Island, Malta 1990, 11-45, 37; M.BUHAGIAR, Gozo in Late Roman, Byzantin and Muslim Times, Melita Historica 12.2, 1997, 113-129, 114-115; B.BRUNO, L’arcipelago maltese in età romana e bizantina. Attività economiche e scambi al centro del Mediterraneo, Bari 2004, 20-21; M.CASSIA, L’arcipelago maltese sotto il dominio romano, in: A.Bonanno – P.Militello (eds.), Malta in the Hybleans, the Hybleans in Malta. Malta negli Iblei, gli Iblei a Malta, Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Catania, 30 settembre, Sliema, 10 novembre 2006, Palermo 2008, 133-194, 142 nt. 23, 178 nr. 39; C.SAGONA, The archaeology of Malta. From the Neolithic through the Roman period, Cambridge 2015, 389 nt. 25.