Cappelletti, Loredana, Prof. Dr.

Head and Principal Investigator of the Project  No. P 30279-G25 funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).




Loredana Cappelletti got both her PhD (1999) and Habilitation in Ancient History (2012) at the University of Vienna (Austria). 

Between 1994 and 1997 she improved her research, working at the Fondation Hardt pour l’Étude de l’Antiquité Classique, Vandoeuvres-Genève (Switzerland), at the Department of Ancient History and Classical Studies, Papyrology and Epigraphic of the University of Vienna (Austria) and at the University of Perugia (Italy). 

Since 1997 she has been working at the Department of Roman Law and Antique Legal History of the University of Vienna both as scientific collaborator and as team leader of research projects funded by the Austrian National Bank (1997-2000) and by the Austrian Science Fund (2001-2020).

In 2013 she has started to collaborate with the Copenhagen Associations Project (CAP) of the University of Copenhagen

She taught Etruscology and Italic Classical Studies at the Department of Ancient History and Classical Studies of the University of Graz (Austria), and Roman History at the Department of Ancient History and Classical Studies, Papyrology and Epigraphic of the University of Vienna (Austria). She is currently teaching History of Roman Public Law at the Department of Roman Law and Antique Legal History of the University of Vienna. 

Her publications concern mainly the political and constitutional history of Rome and other populations of ancient Italy from the 8th century BC to the 4th century AD: see and



Espinosa Espinosa, David, DPhil

Postdoctoral research fellow of the Project  No. P 30279-G25 funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).


BA in History (2006) and PhD in Ancient History (2013) by the Complutense University (under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Estela García Fernández), David Espinosa Espinosa has developed his career as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Santiago de Compostela (2014-2019), and has carried out his research at several European Universities and Institutes (Trieste, Trier, Hamburg, Berlin). He is the author of the book Plinio y los “oppida de antiguo Lacio”. El proceso de difusión del Latium en Hispania Citerior (Oxford 2014), and the co-editor of books such as Epigraphy in the Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges in the Recording, Analysis and Dissemination of Epigraphic Texts (Oxford 2020) and Mors omnibus instat. Aspectos arqueológicos, epigráficos y rituales de la muerte en el Occidente romano (Madrid 2011).

Among his main lines of research are the study of the processes of legal Latinisation in the western Roman provinces during the Republican period and the High Roman Empire, and the re-reading of the Roman civil wars in the western Mediterranean in the Late Roman Republic. Besides, he develops a digital corpus of Roman inscriptions from Ourense province (Galicia, Spain) (Epigraphica 3.0 project:



Rafetseder, Niklas, Mag.Phil

Predoctoral research fellow of the Project No. P 30279-G25 funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).


Niklas Rafetseder got his degree (Mag.) in teacher accredition programme (History and Latin) at the University of Vienna, Austria, in 2015 and is now working on his dissertation with the subject “Lex coloniae – lex municipii: The Roman municipal laws in Republic and Empire“ at the Department of Ancient History and Classical Studies, Papyrology and Epigraphic of the University of Vienna. His main field of research is Latin Epigraphy concerning the political and administrative organization of communities on municipal level. Since December 2017 he works as Predoctoral research fellow at the FWF-Project No. P 30279-G25 “Local Governments in Sicily in pre-Roman and Roman times” at the Department of Roman Law and Antique Legal History of the University of Vienna



Piccinini, Jessica, DPhil

Post-doctoral research fellow of the Project  No. P 30279-G25 funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).


Jessica Piccinini got a Master in Greek and Roman History in 2006 and a DPhil in 2011 at the University of Oxford (UK). In 2008-2009 she was Lecturer of ‘Greek Ancient History’ and ‘Economy and Society in Classical Greece’ at the University of Reading (UK). Since 2009 she has been part of Oxford team excavating in Hadrianopolis (Albania) as assistant to the director and trench supervisor. In 2011 she was, first, Post-doctoral fellow and, then, Assistant to the Professor of Greek Ancient History at the Department of Ancient History and Classical Studies, Papyrology and Epigraphic of the University of Vienna. In 2012 she was Post-doctoral fellow (Perfezionamento) at the Italian School of Archaeology at Athens. Since 2013 she works as Post-doctoral research fellow for the FWF-Projects No. P 25418-G18 “Central Italy in Roman times. Studies in local magistracies and institutions after the Social War (91/88 BC)”, and No. P 30279-G25  “Local Governments in Sicily in pre-Roman and Roman times” at the Department of Roman Law and Antique Legal History and as Lecturer at the Department of Ancient History and Classical Studies, Papyrology and Epigraphic at the University of Vienna.

Since 2013 she has started to collaborate with the Copenhagen Associations Project (CAP) of the University of Copenhagen – She obtained several research fellowships and academic prizes from Italian, Greek, Austrian, English and French institutions. 

Her publications mainly concern the Adriatic area, Epirus, the sanctuary of Dodona, Magna Graecia, Greek religion and sanctuaries, the relationships between Greek colonies in Magna Graecia and Sicily and Pan-Hellenic sanctuaries: see



Russo, Federico, DPhil

External editor of  the Project Nr. P 25418-G18 funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).



  • Address 1: Universität Konstanz, Fachbereich Geschichte und Soziologie, Fach Geschichte, Universitätsstr. 10, 78457 Konstanz, Germany.
  • Address 2: Universität Wien, Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde, Papyrologie und Epigraphik, Universitätsring 1, A-1010 Vienna, Austria.
  • Email 1:
  • Email 2: :

Adjunct at the Department of Ancient History and Classical Studies, Papyrology and Epigraphic of the University of Vienna (Austria).

Post-doctoral research fellow at Fachbereich Geschichte und Soziologie, Fach Geschichte, Universität Konstanz.



Reali, Francesco, Mag.

External editor 


External contributor: Volontär (Erasmus + trainee), University of Bologna, Department of History and Cultures.




Miceli, Orlando

External editor


External contributor – Private contractor, University of Vienna, Department of Political Science.



Volk, Cornelius, Mag.

External editor


PhD student at the at the Department of Ancient History and Classical Studies, Papyrology and Epigraphic of the University of Vienna (Austria).



Borgese, Salvatore

External editor


  • Address:  via Sergio Bragato, 97, Roma (Italia)

High School of Classical Studies, Liceo Classico E.Q. Visconti, Roma. Studies at the Faculty of Economics, La Sapienza University, Rome. Editing, editorial consultancy and commercial management activities for various publishing houses (CISU, Liguori Editore, Salerno Editrice, Editrice Antenore).


Panciera, Emiliano Antonio, Mag.

External editor 


Emiliano A. Panciera got his degree (Mag.) in History at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna in 2021 with an essay entitled “La strategia di Roma. Indagine sulla politica estera di Roma nel V e IV sec. a.C. tramite lo studio dei reparti alleati e delle gentes aristocratiche”.

External contributor: Volontär (Erasmus + trainee), University of Bologna, Department of History and Cultures.


Laura Raggi

Web Developer 

Laura Raggi is a web developer living in Rome. She is the main developer of Arcait and Loredana Cappelletti’s websites.






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