Cic. In Verrem, 2.3.170

Editor: D.Espinosa Espinosa


Et quoniam de illa faeneratione satis dictum est, nunc de hac tota pecunia auersa, quaeso, cognoscite. Siciliae ciuitates multae sunt, iudices, ornatae atque honestae, ex quibus in primis numeranda est ciuitas Halaesina; nullam enim reperietis aut officiis fideliorem aut copiis locupletiorem aut auctoritate grauiorem. Huic iste in annos singulos cum sexagena milia tritici modium imperauisset, pro tritico nummos abstulit, quanti erat in Sicilia triticum; quos de publico nummos acceperat, retinuit omnes. Obstipui, iudices, cum hoc mihi primum Halaesae demonstrauit in senatu Halaesinorum homo summo ingenio, summa prudentia, summa auctoritate praeditus, Halaesinus Aeneas, cui senatus dederat publicam causam ut mihi fratrique meo gratias ageret, et simul qui nos ea quae ad iudicium pertinerent doceret.

(H.DE LA VILLE DE MIRMONT, Les Belles Lettres, 1960)

Translation: “And since I have said enough about that usury, now –please– address the question of the embezzlement of the whole money. Judges, there are many distinguished and honorable cities in Sicily, among the first of these is the city of Halaesa; you will not find a city more faithful to its duties, more wealthy in resources, or more important in its reputation. Even though that one [Verres] had demanded [from Halaesa] sixty thousand modii of wheat for each year, he took money for the wheat, at the price which wheat bore in Sicily; he kept for himself all the money he had received from the public treasury. I was astonished, judges, when this was first explained to me in the senate of Halaesa by a man with the greatest capacity, the highest wisdom, the greatest authority, Aeneas of Halaesa, to whom the senate by public resolution had given the task of thanking me and my cousin, and at the same time providing us with the information which concerned this trial”. (D.Espinosa Espinosa)

Dating: 73-70 BC

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