Cic. In Verrem, 2.3.61


Editor: S.Borgese



Nam quid ego de Q. Lollio, iudices, dicam, equite Romano spectato atque honesto? … Adducitur a Veneriis atque adeo attrahitur Lollius, commodum cum Apronius e palaestra redisset, et in triclinio quod in foro Aetnae strauerat recubuisset. Statuitur LolIius in illo tempestivo gladiatorum convivio.

(H.DE LA VILLE DE MIRMONT, Les Belles Lettres, 1960)


Translation: “And what do I have to tell you, judges, about Quintus Lollius, an esteemed and honorable Roman knight? … Lollius is led, or rather, is dragged by the slaves of Venus to Apronius, just when Apronius was returning from the palaestra and took his place at the banquet that he had set up in the forum of Aetna. So Lollius is placed there, in the middle of that prolonged banquet of rogues.” (S.Borgese)


Dating: 73-71 BC


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