Cic. In Verrem, 2.3.57
Editor: S.Borgese
Postea cum ad eum Nymphodorus uenisset Aetnam et oraret ut sibi sua restituerentur, hominem corripi ac suspendi iussit in oleastro quodam, quae est arbor, iudices, Aetnae in foro. Tam diu pependit in arbore socius amicusque populi Romani in sociorum urbe ac foro, colonus aratorque uester, quam diu uoluntas Aproni tulit.
(H.DE LA VILLE DE MIRMONT, Les Belles Lettres, 1960)
Translation: “Later, when Nymphodorus [i.e. of Centuripae] came to him [i.e. Apronius] to Aetna and asked him to return his things to him [i.e. tools, servants and livestock], Apronius ordered to arrest him and to keep him hanging from a wild olive tree, a tree, judges, which is in the forum of Aetna. And so an ally and friend of the Roman people, your settler and farmer, hung from that tree, in a city of allies and in its forum, as long as Apronius wanted it.” (S.Borgese)
Dating: 73-71 BC
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