Editor: N.Rafetseder


Concordiae Agrigenti-
norum sacrum
res publica Lilybitano-
rum dedicantibus
5 M(arco) Haterio Candido proco(n)s(ule)
et L(ucio) Cornelio Marcello q̅(uaestore)
pr(o) pr(aetore).

(CIL X, 7192)

Translation: “ Holy to the concord of the Agrigentini, the res publica of the Lilybitani (made this), while proconsul Marcus Haterius Candidus and quaestor pro praetore Lucius Cornelius Marcellus dedicated it ”. (N.Rafetseder).

Find Spot: Agrigento, in the current town square

Support: limestone slabe (h. 80 x l. 102)

No./Current location: Agrigento, Museo Archeologico Regionale

Dating: 54-68 AD (EDR142394)

Bibliography: CIL X, 7192; ILS 6767; EDR142394; TM491698; EDCS-21900533 (photo); ISic0473 (photo, engl. + ital. translation); G.SALMERI, Un magister ovium di Domizia Longina in Sicilia, ASNP 14, 1984, 13-25; G.MANGANARO, La Sicilia da Sesto Pompeo a Diocleziano, ANRW II, 11.1, Berlin-New York 1988, 3-89, 19, tab. 1; R.J.A.WILSON, Towns of Sicily during the Roman Empire, ANRW II, 11.1, Berlin-New York 1988, 90-206, 183; R.J.A.WILSON, Sicily under the Roman Empire: the archaeology of a Roman province, 36 B.C. – A.D. 535, Warminster 1990, 180, fig. 151; G.MANGANARO, Homonoia dei Kimissaioi, Eunomia dei Geloi e la ninfa (termitana) Sardo, in: U.Fellmeth – H.Sonnabend (eds.), Alte Geschichte: Wege – Einsichten – Horizonte. Festschrift für Eckart Olshausen zum 60. Geburtstag, Spudasmata 69, Hildesheim-Zürich-New York-Olms 1998, 131-142, 137, no. 28.