Editor: F.Russo


PRIMVS SENATVM LEGIT ET COMITI[a instituit M. Iunio Pera M. Aemilio]
BARBVLA COS CIRCVM SEDIT VI[binum bello Punico secundo praesi-]
DIVMQVE HANNIBALIS ET PRAE[fectum eius cepit. Virtute in rebus]
(GABBA 1958)

Translation: “He was the first to choose the senate and establish electoral assemblies during the consulship of M. Iunius Pera and M. Aemilius Barbula. He besieged Vibinum during the second Punic War and captured the garrison of Hannibal along with his prefect. By virtue of his courage in military matters he obtained for himself outstanding glory”. (F.Russo)

Find Spot: Forum of Brundisium

Support: stone (h. 44 x w. 38,5)

Dating: 1st cent. AD (GABBA 1958)

Bibliography: AE 1954, 216; AE 1959, 32;  AE 2003, 353; EDR074191; F.RIBEZZO, Su un nuovo elogium a Q. Fabio Massimo scoperto a Brindisi per la ripresa di Taranto, Brindisi 1951; G.VITUCCI, Intorno ad un nuovo frammento di elogium, RFIC 31, 1953, 44-61; E.S.STAVELEY, The Constitution of the Roman Republic, Historia 5, 1956, 74-122, 119; L.R.Taylor, The Centuriate Assembly before and after the Reform, AJPh 78, 1957, 337-354; E.GABBA, L’elogio di Brindisi, Athenaeum 36, 1958, 90-105 (photo); T.R.S.BROUGHTON, Supplement to the magistrates of the Roman Republic, New York 1960, 2-3; J.REYNOLDS, Inscriptions and Roman Studies 1910-1960, JRS 50, 1960, 204-209, 207; F.CASSOLA, Ancora sull’elogio di Brindisi, Labeo 8, 1962, 307-316 [= in: F.CASSOLA, Scritti di storia antica. Istituzioni e politica, Roma 1994, 91-101]; G.VITUCCI, À propos de l’élogium de Brindisi (AÉp. 1954, n° 216), in: Studi Annibalici, Atti del Convegno svoltosi a Cortona – Tuoro sul Trasimeno – Perugia, Ottobre 1961, Cortona 1964, 57-69; R.Develin, Appius Claudius Caecus and the Brindisi Elogium, Historia 25, 1976, 484-487; R.LÓPEZ MELERO – J.L.SÁNCHEZ ARAL – S.G.JIMÉNEZ, El bronce de Alcántara. Una deditio del 104 a.C., Gerión 2, 1984, 265-323, 271; M.R.TORELLI, I rapporti tra Italici e Romani, in: M.Tagliente (ed.), Italici in Magna Grecia. Lingua, insediamenti e strutture, Venosa 1990, 93-102, 95; M.PANI, Colonia Vibina, ZPE 87, 1991, 125-131, 127; P.LOPEZ BARJA DE QUIROGA, Estructura compositiva de la lex Ursonensis, SHHA 15, 1997, 47-61, 54; M.H.CRAWFORD, How to create a municipium: Rome and Italy after the Social War, in: M.Austin – J.Harries – Ch.Smith (eds.), Modus Operandi. Essays in Honour of G.Rickman, London 1998, 31-46, 33; E.DENIAUX, Découverte d’un nouveau milliaire de la Via Egnatia à Apollonia (Albanie), MEFRA 111, 1999, 167-189; J.D.MUCCIGROSSO, The Brindisi “Elogium” and the Rejected “Lectio Senatus” of Appius Claudius Caecus, Historia 52, 2003, 496-501; J.-M.DAVID, Les fondateurs et les cites, in: E.Gabba – L.Capogrossi Colognesi (eds.), Gli statuti municipali, Pavia 2006, 723-741; E.Bispham, From Asculum to Actium. The Municipalization of Italy from the Social War to Augustus, Oxford 2007, 152-154; J.F.RODRÍGUEZ NEILA, Los comitia municipales y la experiencia institutional romana, in: C.Berrendonner – M.Cébeillac Gervasoni – L.Lamoine (eds.), Le quotidien municipal dans l’Occident romain, Actes du Colloque tenu à Clermont-Ferrand, du 19 au 21 octobre 2007, Clermont-Ferrand 2008, 301-315, 301; M.P.FRONDA, Between Rome and Carthage: Southern Italy during the Second Punic War, Cambridge 2010, 86; A.PIGANIOL, Le conquiste dei romani. Fondazione e ascesa di una grande civiltà, Milano 2010, 601.