Editor: D.Espinosa Espinosa


[Lar]ibus Augusteis et Genio Caesa[ris]

[lib]erorumque eius C(aius) Publilius

[Phil]argurus sevir primus et prior


Translation: “Caius Publilius Philargurus, the first and foremost sevir (Augustalis) to the Lares of Augustus and the Genius of Caesar and his children (performs this dedication)”. (D.Espinosa Espinosa)

Find Spot: Lipari, reused as a window sill in an old house behind the church of San Giuseppe; acquired by B. Mandarano and delivered to the Archaeological Museum in 1979

Support: block of volcanic stone of Fuardo, entire parallelepiped with development in length (h. 17,4 cm; w. 69,8 cm; d. 24,5 cm)

Inventory No./Current location: Lipari, Museo Archeologico Regionale Eoliano “Luigi Bernabò Brea”, no. 17784

Dating: 12 BC – 2 AD (EDR081546 et alii)

Bibliography: AE 1989, 346a; EDCS-06100296 (photo); EDH015291; EDR081546; PHI334866; ISic0771; TM175803; G.MANGANARO, La Sicilia da Sesto Pompeo a Diocleziano, in: ANRW II 11.1, 1988, 3-89, 47; G.MANGANARO, Iscrizioni latine nuove e vecchie della Sicilia, Epigraphica 51, 1989, 161-196, 191 nr. 81, fig. 87 (photo); G.MANGANARO, Annotazioni sulla epigrafia di Lipara, in: M.I.Gulletta (ed.), Sicilia Epigraphica, Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Erice, 15-18 ottobre 1998, Pisa 1999, 428; D.FISHWICK, The Imperial Cult in the Latin West. Studies in the Ruler Cult of the Western Provinces of the Roman Empire, vol. III: Provincial Cult, Part 1: Institution and Evolution, Leiden – Boston 2002, 115-118; H.KUNZ, Kaiserverehrung und Kaiserkult in der Provinz Sicilia. Traditionen – Formen – Organisation, in: H.Cancik – K.Hitzl (eds.), Die Praxis der Herrscherverehrung in Rom und seinen Provinzen, Tübingen 2003, 233-248, 240; L.BERNABÒ BREA – M.CAVALIER – L.CAMPAGNA, Meligunís Lipàra, XII. Le iscrizioni lapidarie greche e latine delle isole Eolie, Palermo 2003, 459 nr. 758, tav. CLXXXVII, 1 (photo) (= I.Lipara 758); J.B.LOTT, The Neighborhoods of Augustan Rome, New York 2004, 112, 233 nt. 154; J.R.W.PRAG, Sicilia Romana tributim discripta, in: M.Silvestrini (ed.), Le tribù romane, Bari 2010, 305-311, 306 nt. 14; O.TRIBULATO, Siculi bilingues? Latin in the inscriptions of early Roman Sicily, in: O.Tribulato (ed.), Language and Linguistic Contact in Ancient Sicily, Cambridge 2012, 291-325, 312; G.L.GREGORI, Appunti su società ed economia nella Sicilia d’età imperiale, in: M.Cassia et alii (eds.), Pignora amicitiae. Scritti di storia antica e di storiografia offerti a Mario Mazza, I-III, Acireale – Roma 2012, 299-320, 320 nt. 84; J.C.OLIVARES PEDREÑO, Los emigrantes en las áreas mineras y las ciudades de Hispania: religión, identidades y difusión cultural, Gerión 33, 2015, 261-283, 276 nt. 63; G.McINTYRE, A Family of Gods. The Worship of the Imperial Family in the Latin West, Ann Arbor 2016, 117 nt. 29; E.PAREDES MARTÍN, Latinidad, onomástica e integración jurídica en el interior de Lusitania: acerca de una inscripción procedente de Teixoso (Castelo Branco, Portugal): HepOL 26069, Conimbriga 58, 2019, 301-329, 306-307; K.KORHONEN – C.SORACI, Forme amministrative e scelte linguistiche nelle epigrafi e nelle monete della Sicilia romana, Gerión 31.1, 2019, 97-116, 108 nt. 72.