Editor: L.Cappelletti


na hope Quir(ina) [—]



nino[—-]I[—-] plebs Gaulitana

5   in r[—-]n[—]b

i Celso[—]



(CIL X 7509)

Translation: “… of the Quirina tribe … the plebs of Gaulos“. (L.Cappelletti)

Find Spot: Victoria, Gaulos (Gozo); seen in the corner of the church of St. George.


No./Current location:

Dating: s.d., but perhaps to be dated post 138 AD (EDR113431). 199 BC – 284 AD? (TM285169)

Bibliography: CIL X 7509 (cfr. p. 994); EDCS-22100628; EDR113431; TM285169; T.ASHBY, Roman Malta, JRS 5, 1915, 23-80, 26; J.BUSUTTIL, Postumus, Journal of the Faculty of Arts 6.3, 1976, 278-282, 282; G.AZZOPARDI, The Vallii in Gozo, Melita Historica 14.2, 2005, 231-238, 235, 237; M.CASSIA, L’arcipelago maltese sotto il dominio romano, in: A.Bonanno – P.Militello (eds.), Malta in the Hybleans, the Hybleans in Malta. Malta negli Iblei, gli Iblei a Malta, Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Catania, 30 settembre, Sliema, 10 novembre 2006, Palermo 2008, 133-194, 141-142, 160 nt. 69.