Cic., Pro Sulla, 60
Editor: F.Russo
Iam vero quod obiecit Pompeianos esse a Sulla impulsos ut ad istam coniurationem atque ad hoc nefarium facinus accederent, id cuius modi sit intellegere non possum. An tibi Pompeiani coniurasse videntur? Quis hoc dixit umquam, aut quae fuit istius rei vel minima suspicio? ‘Diiunxit,’ inquit, ‘eos a colonis ut hoc discidio ac dissensione facta oppidum in sua potestate posset per Pompeianos habere.’
(KASTEN 1949)
Translation: “Indeed, he objects that the inhabitants of Pompeii were excited by Sulla to join that conspiracy and that abominable action; a sort of statement that I am not able to understand. Do the people of Pompeii appear to have joined the conspiracy? Who has ever said so, or when was there the slightest suspicion of this fact? ‘He separated them’ – says he – ‘from the settlers, in order that when he had excited dissensions and divisions within, he might be able to control the oppidum through the inhabitants of Pompeii’.” (F.Russo)
Dating: 62 BC (LO CASCIO 1996)
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