Cic. In Verrem, 2.3.12


Editor: D.Espinosa Espinosa


Inter Siciliam ceterasque prouincias, iudices, in agrorum uectigalium ratione hoc interest, quod ceteris aut impositum uectigal est certum, quod stipendiarium dicitur, ut Hispanis et plerisque Poenorum quasi uictoriae praemium ac poena belli, aut censoria locatio constituta est, ut Asiae lege Sempronia; Siciliae ciuitates sic in amicitiam fidemque accepimus ut eodem iure essent quo fuissent, eadem condicione populo Romano parerent qua suis antea paruissent.

(H.DE LA VILLE DE MIRMONT, Les Belles Lettres, 1960)

Translation: “Between Sicily and the other provinces, judges, there is a difference in the soil taxation system: in the other provinces either a fixed tax is imposed, which is called stipendiary, as in the case of the Hispani and the majority of the Poeni, as a reward of victory and punishment of war, or a censorial leasing is arranged, as in Asia according to the lex Sempronia. The cities of Sicily, by receiving them into friendship and good faith, they based on the same legal order that they had before, they obey the Roman people under the same circumstances as they had once obeyed their (rulers)”. (D.Espinosa Espinosa)

Dating: Post 210 BC.

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