Editor: J.Piccinini


θεό[ς]. τύχαι ἀγαθᾶι. [ἐπερωτῆι]
ℎα πόλις — ℎα τῶν Ταραν[τίνων]
τὸν Δία τὸν Ναῖον καὶ τ[ὰν Διώναν]
περὶ παντυχίας καὶ π[ερὶ χωρίων (?)]
τὰ χηρῶι (?) καὶ περὶ τῶν [— — —]

(LHÔTE 2006)

Translation: “God. To the good fortune. The polis of the Tarentinoi asks Zeus Naios and Diona about its general prosperity, the territories in its hands, and about…” (J.Piccinini)

Find Spot: Dodona, inside the temenos (year of discovery 1876-1877).

Support: Bronze rectangular tablet broken in two fragments (h. 6,7 cm. x w. 8,5 cm).

Inv. No.: Athens, National Museum.

Dating: ca. 350-280 BC (LHÔTE 2006).

Bibliography: C.CARAPANOS, Dodone et ses ruines, Paris 1878, 70 no. 1; H.R.POMTOW, Die Orakelinschriften von Dodona, Jahrbücher für classische Philologie 29, 1883, 305-360, 314 no. 3; SGDI II, no. 1567; H.W.PARKE, The Oracles of Zeus, Dodona, Olympia and Ammon, Oxford 1967, 259 no. 1; A.LANDI, Dialetti e interazione sociale in Magna Grecia, Napoli 1979, 298-299 no. 193; I.VOKOTOPOULOU, Dodone et les villes de la Grande Grèce et de la Sicile, in: ACSMG XXXI 1991, Taranto 1992, 63-90, 78 no. 1, fig. 2a; SEG 43, 1993, no. 318; M.NAFISSI, La documentazione letteraria ed epigrafica, in: E.Lippolis – S.Garaffo – M.Nafissi (eds.), Culti greci in Occidente, I: Taranto, Taranto 1995, 314-315; SEG 45, 1995[1998], no. 665; E.LHÔTE, Les lamelles oraculaires de Dodone, Génève 2006, 35-38 no. 5 (French transl.); E.EIDINOW, Oracles and Curses, and Risks among the Greeks, Oxford 2007, 346-347 no. 9 (English transl.).