Cic. In Verrem, 2.3.13
Editor: D.Espinosa Espinosa
Perpaucae Siciliae ciuitates sunt bello a maioribus nostris subactae; quarum ager cum esset publicus populi Romani factus, tamen illis est redditus; is ager a censoribus locari solet. Foederatae civitates duae sunt, quarum decumae uenire non soleant, Mamertina et Tauromenitana, quinque praeterea sine foedere immunes ciuitates ac liberae, Centuripina, Halaesina, Segestana, Halicyensis, Panhormitana; praeterea omnis ager Siciliae ciuitatum decumanus est, itemque ante imperium populi Romani ipsorum Siculorum uoluntate et institutis fuit.
(H.DE LA VILLE DE MIRMONT, Les Belles Lettres, 1960)
Translation: “Very few cities of Sicily were defeated in war by our ancestors. Although the land of these cities had become public property of the Roman people, however it was returned to them; this land is usually leased by the censors. There are two federate cities, those of the Mamertines and the Tauromenians, whose tithes do not usually come to us; besides, there are five cities without any treaty, free and immune: Centuripae, Halaesa, Segesta, Halicyae and Panhormus. All the remaining land of the cities of Sicily is subject to the payment of tithe as it was before the rule of the Roman people, according to the will and institutions of the Sicilian themselves”. (D.Espinosa Espinosa)
Dating: Post 210 BC
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