Paulus Diaconus / Festus, De verborum significatione, s.v. Mamertini, 150 Lindsay
Editor: F.Russo
Mamertini appel<lati sunt ha>c de causa, cum † de † toto Samnio grauis incidisset pestilentia, Sthennius Mettius eius gentis princeps, conuocata ciuium suorum contione, exposuit se uidisse in quiete præcipientem Apollinem ut si uellent eo malo liberari, uer sacrum uouerent, id est, quaecumque uere proximo nata essent, immolaturos sibi: quo facto leuatis post annum uicensimum deinde eiusdem generis incessit pestilentia. Rursum itaque consultus Apollo respondit non esse persolutum ab his uotum, quod homines immolati non essent: quos si expulissent, certe fore ut ea clade liberarentur. Itaque ii iussi patria decedere, cum in parte ea Si<ciliae> consedissent quae <adhu>c Tauricana dicitur, forte <labo>rantibus bello no<u>o Messanensibus auxilio uenerunt ultro, eosque a<b eo> liberarunt † prouinciales †: quod ob <me>ritum eorum, ut gratiam referrent, et in suum corpus communionemque agrorum inuitarunt eos, et nomen acceperunt unum, ut dicerentur Mamertini, quod coniectis in sortem duodecim deorum nominibus, Mamers forte exierat: qui lingua Oscorum Mars significatur. Cuius historiae auctor est Alfius libro primo belli Carthaginiensis.
Edition: CORNELL 2013
Translation: “The Mamertines are so called for this reason. After that a plague had attacked the whole territory of Samnium, Sthennius Mettius, the leader of that people, gathered his fellow-citizens and claimed that he had seen Apollo in his sleep, who exhorted them to vow a sacred spring, if they wanted to get rid of that pestilence: they had to sacrifice to Apollo whatever would be born the following spring. After doing this, they were relieved from the plague; however, twenty years later a new similar pestilence broke out. They again consulted Apollo, who replied that they had not fulfilled the vow because the men had not been sacrificed. However, if they were to expell them, they would be free of that catastrophe. Following these orders, they left their homeland and settled in that part of Sicily that is still called Tauricana; there they came to help to the people of Messana who were struggling in a new war and freed them. In order to thanks them for their help, the Messanians invited them in their community and to share their territory; they also adopted a single name, so that they were called Mamertini; indeed, when they drew lots among twelve names of divinities, Mamers was drawn, which means Mars in the language of the Oscans. The author of this account is Alfius in the first book of the Carthaginian War.” (F.Russo)
Dating: 288-283 B.C. (CORNELL 2013)
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